Automobile Accident Injury
The most common injury that results from a car accident is whiplash. When it comes to this type of injury, the speed of the cars or the amount of damage they incur may not relate to the intensity of your neck injury. Speeds as low as 5 miles per hour can produce enough energy to cause whiplash, even if a person is wearing a seatbelt.

Whiplash Chiropractic Treatment
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck, and can also be called a neck sprain or neck strain. It is characterized by a collection of symptoms that occur following damage to the neck, usually because of sudden snapping back and forth of the head. Whiplash commonly includes injury to intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, cervical muscles, or nerve roots.
Symptoms such as neck pain may be present directly after the injury, or may be delayed for several days or weeks. In addition to neck pain, other symptoms may include neck stiffness, headache, dizziness, abnormal sensations such as burning or prickling, or shoulder or back pain. Some people may also experience cognitive or psychological conditions such as memory loss, concentration impairment, nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, or depression.
What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy for Whiplash?
We focus on an active injury approach to restoring function so that you are able to get back to living your normal life. How else can chiropractic therapy benefit those suffering from whiplash?
Studies have shown that 93% of whiplash patients improve with chiropractic care thanks to improvement in or restoration of normal spine structure. Unfortunately, many people who have been in a vehicle accident do not receive chiropractic treatment. Most insurance companies cover chiropractic care for automobile injuries. Our office will happily assist you in dealing with the insurance paperwork and filing a claim with your insurance company.